The Beauty Of Life


The beauty of life is basically up to you – some asked how i make it in a small town with no food .. and no high rise shopping centers and one or two crazy ppl around. But you know what..?? I have a great spouse and a wonderful daughter.. and great extended families here and many good friends/relatives.. a great babysitter albeit she is sick and gets into accidents when i need her the most but she is pretty much a trustworthy and good gal and many good customers. This is how i look at it – the beauty of life is you, you and your family is all that matters. Does it matter how others look at you ..?? I don’t really care pretty much. My conscience is clear, we make an honest living, not on welfare of any kind. But i cannot stand idiosyncrasies and ppl who are pretty much “stupid” and insist on making a mountain outta a molehill – those i just stay away and cut them outta my life very quickly and swiftly. So yes, my bottom line is..?? you are happy if you want to be .. and life is too short to waste on silly stuff. I plan to look at the good side of ppl and bright side of things.. what about you ..?

Orientation At New School


Chloe went for her orientation yesterday at her new school. The one that she is starting in .. this fall. It is nearer to our home.. and this time round, she wouldn’t be in French immersion. We didn’t have much success in the other school .. and because of that… not only is Chloe having a kind of a phobia with the previous school .. we are having it too. But like PB said.. we are not subjecting the kid to anymore traumatic experiences… like the ones she had last year and no more looking for best diet pills either for me… muahahahah!!! We feel extremely sad that the first school that Chloe went to, turned out this way but on the other hand.. one cannot lived in the past forever.. and learn to move on.


The orientation went a lot easier this year for us .. then it did last year. The anxiety was there.. but not as bad as last year. Chloe took the orientation like a champ… and impressed her new teachers.. as well as her principal. The principal came up to shake our hands.. and introduce herself.. and said to us that Chloe was absolutely lovely and cute. But this year .. we are also taking a step backwards.. and I’m trying not to be too enthusiastic as i was last year.. with Chloe previous school in terms of fund raising and so forth.


We asked Chloe at the end of orientation if she wanted to go to her new school.. she said yes.. because she loves Mrs H. The school has a no touch policy.. but we approached Mrs H.. that it is ok by us.. if chloe needed some hugging or touching.. we have no problem with it at all. Mrs H. is like a grandmother .. and i have full trust in her. The hands off policy is good.. but in situation when the kid is this young.. i think we have to play by ear.. and go with what the kid needs. Last year.. at Chloe’s old school.. she was bawling her eyes out.. but they won’t even hold her hands.. to comfort her. Anyhow.. i’m pretty happy about what i’ve seen so far.. one can only hope for the best eh. Plus, Chloe wanted me to take pictures of her .. outside her school.. for her “Kai Mah” .. i’ll upload it later tonite.. i left it at home.. and didn’t bring my key.

Voting Day

Yes.. ! it’s that time of the year to exercise your rights. Last year.. i voted for the first time.. for the town councils election.. and today.. i’m going to vote for the provincial election. It had been a busy week already for us .. yesterday .. PB and I went for our eye examination.. but for me.. i had to take extra examination like x-rays and stuff.. because i have diabetes. The Ophthalmologist that i went to.. Dr Robichaud was extra careful.. and referred me to an eye specialist .. because there was a small shadow behind my eyeballs. But i already have a referral to Dr Wahji by my family doctor since last week.. but yet to hear from them. Nothing to worry about .. i’m sure.. they just wanna be very careful.

Tomorrow.. Chloe is getting her pictures taken for school .. and then on the Friday is her new school orientation. Next week, another busy week.. with Chloe’s school pajamas breakfast party, followed by another appt with my family doctor.. to review my blood test – that i’m taking tomorrow (no i’m not sick, they wanna be sure.. i’m alright.. since it’s my one year anniversary since my huge surgery last year). Yes.. busy .. busy .. busy.. !! and yes.. getting the Digby store ready too.. for the summer .. darn busy..!!!! can die..!!!!! plus got online work to do.. *slap forehead* .. but what to do right..?? got so many fans… πŸ˜‰ Ok.. gotta run.. Keegan is here.

Ta Siow Ren


I was sharing some pictures and stories with some blogging friends on FB yesterday.. and this morning.. i received these pictures.. as to what we can do .. about “siow ren”. I think it is therapeutic .. muahahhahaha!!! afterall, our forefathers didn’t invent this for nothing eh. In fact, I know you all agree with me.. because not only 1 of you .. suggested it .. but quite a few.. muahahahha!!! so please join me.. in this awesome activity : ta siow ren !


β€œTa lei-ke sei yan thou, ta lei-ke sei yan hau!
Ta lei-ke sei yan keok, ta lei-ke sei yan sau!

Tarng lei harng toe pin, hark toe pin…
Hoe-keh ngmm lei, chau-keh ngmm chow!

How about that? Muahahahah!!! fun eh..??? You can help me to ta kau kau this siow ren… for a million year. Anyone game..??

Obsessed Much ?


For those who are not aware of this, this blog does have advertisers who pays for page views. So those who visit my blogs and view as many page as possible, I really gain from it. Today my page views soared and I’m darn happy about it lah. Why…?? Because the advertisers will be paying me quite a few extra dollars for it muhahahahahaha!!! Your inability to let go and move on, is your own bitterness and a financial gain to me. For those who are obsessed with finding and reading all my blogs.. I urge you to continue to be obsessed lol. I LOVE IT! Oh btw, special people get special blogs dedicated especially to them. I’ve got 30 working blogs, I kid you not – find them all if you can.. muahahahahhaha!!!!

The Saga Continues

Well, the babysitter did come on the Tuesday .. limping and in pain .. but not as swollen lips and face as we had imagined. She came for a few hours.. but couldn’t do much .. because she was in pain. So come Wednesday, she was due to babysit again.. and she called to say she was in the hospital .. getting her ribs checked out .. because they were so painful .. she didn’t get much rest the nite before. She didn’t know if she could come to work or not.. and she would call back, while we field her calls by someone looking for her dad at our store. It’s almost like someone hounding you for debt consolidation. But alas, she didn’t call .. and not even on Thursday – but i’m not surprised.

And like always.. we don’t know how sick she is.. nor do we know when she is coming back to work. So here’s the thing – the brat wants the attention .. so we have to stop everything .. to be with her.. and play with her. We love our babysitter.. but at times like that.. we donch think it is fair to my brat nor us .. because we do have a business to run.. and i do have my online work to do. But having said all that .. you and I know.. that our brat comes first.. so what we did..?? like any good parents we stop all the rest of our things.. and took care of a very restless and disappointed kid. *sigh* .. bo pian ahhhhh..!!!!! * pull hair out .. right about now*

Hypertension/High Blood Pressure

For those who are not aware of this.. yes.. ! i’m diagnosed as having Hypertension. In another words, high blood pressure lah. And i blamed it on the lack of the kind of food i cannot get here. Back home, i cannot remember eating so much instant noodles.. nor burgers .. but here in Canada.. you kinda wanna eat really fast.. and get it over with. Nope .. i don’t need a lawyer like those who has Mesothelioma of course.. but having said that .. i just want everyone to know.. that migrating is not as fun as everyone thinks. Not only the food is different.. i haven’t ate steam fish for years now – because i cannot find “ang kor li” here.. only fish i can find here are salmons .. and cod fish .. and they are mighty expensive here.. the fresh ones.

It’s Gotta Be The Water

On Saturday.. when i woke up .. i received a comment on chloe’s blog saying that the babysitter’s niece who was in Chloe’s blog .. that she was a “HAPPY” kid. I asked the sitter if she knew .. that person.. and apparently it was the sitter’s brother’s woman. I didn’t really think much about it.. and wrote on chloe’s blog. .that it was funny that an adult of 20yrs old.. would fight with a 5.5yrs old kid blog and what was written on it. I should give her a cash drawer to put all her grievances in .. like i give chloe a dream box .. to put her bad dreams in. Muahahhahaha!!!! childish..!!

Please bear in mind that Chloe’s blog is about her friends. .and her growth.. and not to be used to put anyone down. If i wanted to do that.. i would do it in my other blogs. Anyhow, to cut the story shout .. the sitter’s brother demanded that i take the picture down .. and what i wrote about his woman. *roll eyes* and at this point.. i was really tickled by all the commotion. Of course, a simple, “please can you take it down just for me.. so that my woman wouldn’t go crazy” would have been enough.. but nope.. he told me to “F*** OFF!” . Such a nice young man – father, son and b/f and brother. If he could say that to me.. over the phone, you can imagine .. what kind of fine character this person is.

He hung up on me. .and insisted that I called his woman a bad mother .. because I had wrote that the poor kid was in the playpen looking sad. OH MY GOD..!!! any kid in the playpen would look pathetic.. if they were there for a long time..!!!!! and if she wasn’t a bad mother.. why get so worked up.. for nothing..?? You can call me a bad mother for all you want.. just look at my kid.. and you will know.. what kinda mother I am. Likewise, when anyone look at her kid.. well.. they are entitled to think whatever they want. If i thought she was a bad mother.. i would have instigated her b/f’s parents to kick her fat butt out.. and fight for the custody of the kid. If i thought that she was a bad mother.. I would have reported her to the necessary department. *shrug* but after all the above.. i am so glad.. we saw their true colors.. !!!!! can you imagine.. letting my chloe grow up with ppl like that.. ???? parents who uses vulgar languages so freely..??

Thank God..!! we never have to talk to them ever again. .or have anything to do with them .. ever again. My kid is never going anywhere near them, we don’t want to be associated to such character, would you..?? We are not that “type” of parents, plus we all know where this relationship will end up. The kid was only 17 or 18 yrs old when she got pregnant – that must say a lot for this person, don’t you think. The sitter’s brother used to be such a nice kid.. but after his association with “some” ppl.. he took a 360 degree change – which in my humble opinion is the saddest thing in any parents life. 5 yrs from today.. I’m gonna revisit this post.. and i’ll let you know.. where they are all at. I am not always right.. but i’m seldom wrong .. and from what i’m seeing.. it’s just not good. Having said all that, they are definitely outta our system.. and our lives – good riddance of bad rubbish.


And yes.. this is what i think of him.. so if i say butthead.. you all know who i am talking about lah.. !! and by the way, if i had thought she was a bad mother, i would have told her that the chinese tattoo she had after her daughter’s name.. was tattooed wrongly and it meant B.I.T.C.H. and not what she think it meant. I could be mean too .. but why should i.. right..?? afterall, it is her child and not mine.. she would be ill treating – if she was. *shrug*

Babysitter & Court

The babysitter had a court date that requires me to be a witness. Long story short.. it’s because of her ex-b/f and the ex-b/f’s new g/f. Apparently, this had been going on since they broke up. It was a case of you said what and she said that .. that ultimately led to me believing that the threatening phone call at the store for her.. was from the new g/f.

Like any adult and a sensible one, you want to stop the whole thing/foolishness because it was plain foolishness. But nope the ex-b/f’s mother and buddy and the new g/f donch wanna let it go. So they hurled each other to court. Obviously, we want to side with the babysitter since we’ve known her for 4.5yrs. So i lugged chloe along to court.. and had to close the store for abit .. so that PB can send me to court .. to be the witness of everything.

Whole day wasted .. that’s alright by me.. but the next day.. when i asked the babysitter to cancel her guitar class to let me finish up my work that i didn’t do because i had to go to court.. well, lets just say she didn’t. So i rushed home .. took care of chloe first of course.. and waited till almost midnite.. before i started working on my online assignments.

I wasn’t mad.. but very disappointed lor. oh well.. kids. I have to remember have the tidak apa attitude from now on. I told PB to smack me hard on the head.. the next time.. i try to do good for anyone and yes i was late for my assignments and i’m never late. So the advertiser had flagged me and won’t be giving me so much assignments no more.

Easter Monday

Easter Monday .. but we had to open the store.. just because we feel obligated to some of the customers.. who wants to spend their Easter money. Chloe went to the movies with her best friend .. Dominic .. and the babysitter. They had wanted to go on Sunday.. but the timing wasn’t right.. so we decided on Monday instead. But according to the sitter – keegan.. Chloe was bored after half the movie .. and wanted to chat. I hope to bring her more to the movies during the summer, that way she is all ready for school this fall when they bring her for excursions.