The Saga Continues

Well, the babysitter did come on the Tuesday .. limping and in pain .. but not as swollen lips and face as we had imagined. She came for a few hours.. but couldn’t do much .. because she was in pain. So come Wednesday, she was due to babysit again.. and she called to say she was in the hospital .. getting her ribs checked out .. because they were so painful .. she didn’t get much rest the nite before. She didn’t know if she could come to work or not.. and she would call back, while we field her calls by someone looking for her dad at our store. It’s almost like someone hounding you for debt consolidation. But alas, she didn’t call .. and not even on Thursday – but i’m not surprised.

And like always.. we don’t know how sick she is.. nor do we know when she is coming back to work. So here’s the thing – the brat wants the attention .. so we have to stop everything .. to be with her.. and play with her. We love our babysitter.. but at times like that.. we donch think it is fair to my brat nor us .. because we do have a business to run.. and i do have my online work to do. But having said all that .. you and I know.. that our brat comes first.. so what we did..?? like any good parents we stop all the rest of our things.. and took care of a very restless and disappointed kid. *sigh* .. bo pian ahhhhh..!!!!! * pull hair out .. right about now*