Don’t laugh now..! but it is true.. we had a mini tornado at our home yesterday. Why and how..?? well .. yesterday was the first day we had the cleaning gals come into our house to help us with our cleaning. And no .. they ain’t expensive either… but boy..! do they work good..! it was like a tornado .. that hit us.. the house was all cleaned within 1.5hrs. Toilet washed, bathtub clean, floor vacuumed and mopped.. cleaned my stove.. and dust everything in the house. Yup.. within 1.5hrs!!! Yup.. a tornado was in my house yesterday. Oh.. did i tell you they even did my dishes.. and wanted to fold my laundry..?
My Wonderful Lunch “NOT” !!
For those who have been reading my blog for sometime now.. you will know that i hate the food here with a passion.. !! Everyday, I don’t know what to eat, to be honest. Eating out is so expensive here.. but if the food is great.. that’s fine.. but nope.. the food here is only so-so. And one can only eat so much burger a week right..?? or subway. Well.. this is for lunch .. a baked potatoes from Wendy’s.. because PB donch really know what to buy for me to eat.. on days like that. So since MIL’s usual is burger from there.. PB bought this for me. It was alright.. but certainly not filling. About 4 hrs later.. i was hungry again.. bummer..!!
A Beetle Pumpkin
Keegan all dressed up for Halloween..! A real sport that gal is. If you are wondering what she is dressed up as.. yes.. she was a crossed between a pumpkin and a beetle. She even had almost her whole face painted.. later during the night.
Continue reading “A Beetle Pumpkin”
Happy Halloween
Hope you had a good one.. this Halloween..! We are pleased to report that Chloe was thrilled to bits.. from all the collecting of treats.. even my customer’s doggy was all dressed up. She did ask for more candies than usual today.. but that’s alright.. afterall, how many Halloween do you get to do a year right..?? I didn’t get to go, because I had to stay in the store.. and Chloe was having so much fun with Keegan .. i didn’t wanna be a a sour puss .. and deprived her. And the brat got some loot i tell ya..!
Halloween Party Favors
Since we are gonna be at work.. the whole day.. and bringing chloe to Elm street for trick or treating.. on Halloween nite.. we planned to prepare some Halloween favors for some special kids in the neighbourhood and those who comes into our store.. quite frequently .. because we wouldn’t be home too. So this year.. we are doing something special for these ppl who’ve in one way or another touched our life… not only in the business .. but personally as well. Sorry.. nothing for the chicken shit neighbor.
Passionate About The Town
We usually keep to ourselves .. alot .. especially if we are not at work. But as you can see, PB & I can be quite passionate, if we feel that something isn’t right in this town. You can see what PB wrote here.
I, myself have spoken to many people in this town, at the store.. and I know that they are not happy about the new municipality building… but they are not doing anything about it.. because they don’t feel that even if they opposed, anything will be done about it. Personally, they feel that the town councils had already made up their mind and there is no turning back.
So this is a communist town..?? no democracy here i see..?? I thought only in Cambodia.. or Iraq or Sudan you see things like this but here in Canada..?? Is anyone out there.. who is bigger than the town councils… here have a say in it..??
One claimed they wanted a building to be proud of..?? for who..? investors..?? tourists..??? I donch get it.. ! ya.. maybe i’m STUPID..! but i still donch see the point..!
Infuriating Is An Understatement Now
Yes.. it’s a real understatement of how i feel right now.. ! I don’t know about the rest of the town.. but this was what i read .. this morning.. on the net.
“The Municipality of Y will proceed with plans to build a much debated and much-talked-about new office building at the site of the former Hebron School. “
The new building would take 30 yrs to pay off and they are saying that it will not impact the tax rate or the municipality’s ability to undertake other capital projects..?? And that the sale of the old courthouse will help pay for the project..??
So the old courthouse ain’t good enough for the municipality office.. but good enough to be sold to some poor sucker..?? How are the taxpayer not gonna be affected..?? so how is the municpality gonna to pay for the new building of almost 5 million..?? call me STUPID..and FREAKING dumb.. ! all these makes no sense to me..?? where is the transparency in it..?? Where is this loan coming from..?? and how is the municipality gonna pay for it over 30 yrs..?? what kinda term and mortgages..??
“Dep Ward BN says he never got the sense that there was widespread opposition to a new building.”
IS HE KIDDING US..??!!!??? 100s of ppl turned up for the town meeting, the nite this was discussed.. there was no room.. ppl were turned away.. so i heard.. and was reported in our local papers.. and he is saying no sense of opposition…??? I better stop now.. else.. i’ll vomit blood..!
PS : I would like to clearly state, I am not into these political stuff at all, but when it affects my children and my children’s children.. then i have to take a stand..! Show me.. that this debt will not be a burden to my children and my children’s children… and i’ll not say another word.
How Haunted Is This Haunted House For Halloween
A haunted house in Y-Town..?? Transforming a large rambling farmhouse for charity is what Shelly and Roger McComack did with friends and relatives. 7 days and 7 nites..! How i wished there were more ppl like the McComack..! Opening their house to the public for a fundraiser for the cancer society is the first they’ve ever done. I bet they must be real excited. Apparently, they have had some success where 2 people peed.. muahahhhaa!!
The Haunted House is open 7 to 9 p.m. each evening until Friday, Oct. 26. They might open the house on Monday and Tuesday nite too, maybe we can bring Chloe eh..?? Prolly not.. she prolly would be frightened.. but for 2 – 3 bucks for entrance fees.. why not eh..??
Is Y-Town Gonna be Like Nunavut?
“The Nunavut government is boosting the price of fuel to help prevent the territory from sinking deeper into deficit, Finance Minister David Simailak announced Tuesday.”
So are our fuel prices gonna be raised to fund for the new municipality building as well..?? in the future..?? The government is taking back $9million of the $10 million set aside for the proposed Nunavut heritage center, saying the government needs the money elsewhere.
Will Y-town face the same questioning..?? as to whether the town has taken on more projects than what it can handle? We are all very concerned about the $5 Million that will be spent on the new municipality building. As to where the money is coming from.. as to who was awarded the project..?? as to who will be paying for the new building..?? we all donch quite know what it is all about. Wouldn’t the tax payer of this town.. be interested to see some transparency in this matter..?? I would..!
But donch even get me started on it..! Arrrghhh..!! Aida..! what’s your take on the fuel prices..??
Mayor Claims Amalgamation Will Happen
The Mayor of this town says that amalgamation will happen for this county and if that is true .. then why spend $5 million on this new municipality building..?? to house 13 – 15 office workers..?? It just make no sense to me at all.
There was an uproar recently and a hot topic .. in this town of ours.. about the town spending so much money .. that could be made good use of .. in other areas. God knows we need alot more than a NEW building with health club and day care for these 13 – 15 workers in the municipality building. The mayor has spoken but when amalgamation is going to happen he doesn’t know. An amalgamation is a consolidation or merger, as of several corporations, but how is amalgamation going to help this town..?? I am seriously waiting to see.