Is Y-Town Gonna be Like Nunavut?

“The Nunavut government is boosting the price of fuel to help prevent the territory from sinking deeper into deficit, Finance Minister David Simailak announced Tuesday.”

So are our fuel prices gonna be raised to fund for the new municipality building as well..?? in the future..?? The government is taking back $9million of the $10 million set aside for the proposed Nunavut heritage center, saying the government needs the money elsewhere.

Will Y-town face the same questioning..?? as to whether the town has taken on more projects than what it can handle? We are all very concerned about the $5 Million that will be spent on the new municipality building. As to where the money is coming from.. as to who was awarded the project..?? as to who will be paying for the new building..?? we all donch quite know what it is all about. Wouldn’t the tax payer of this town.. be interested to see some transparency in this matter..?? I would..!

But donch even get me started on it..! Arrrghhh..!! Aida..! what’s your take on the fuel prices..??