What Makes Me Really Mad

Reading the Vanguard (our local paper) yesterday.. got me really worked up..! Why..?? because someone can arm rob you .. and the following week.. he can be out walking around town.. and waiting for his trial.. and in the meantime.. he can prolly skip town.. while he is on house arrest or worst.. commit another crime.. rob someone else.. or break into someone else’s house.

Yup.. many a times.. when we read that someone is caught for doing this and that.. or even stealing an ambulance..!! what is done..?? no charges laid .. because not enough evidence.. or most time.. they get adjourned .. and again .. adjourned.. till thy kingdom come. And I tell you .. !! what is so hard to charge someone.. who has got like 100 charges against him ..?? I donch know the reason for all these .. and this is really a very small town.. and surely .. it doesn’t take too long .. to gather all information.. or is it the lawyers here..?? that keeps pushing them back.. in the name of gathering more info..?? for their client..?? If so.. shouldn’t the judge.. the system here.. put a full-stop to it all..?? and get justice done..?

Yes.. I fear..! i fear not only for myself.. but for my daughter.. when she gets older..! will she be a victim.. of those who were let out.. on the street.. even though we know these crooks could do more harm..?


This year, we are seeing alot of tourist from the province itself. For those who donch know.. we are in the Maritime Provinces.. the whole of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland is considered the Atlantic Province. And you know what.. they are really way nicer.. than when the American market was booming.

Many years ago.. when I first came to Canada.. we had American tourist.. who insisted on getting American change back. That means.. if they buy something.. and give you American Dollars.. they wanted American dollars for change. And they even say things like .. “we want some real money back” .. hahahahaha!! Sometimes.. i donch even know.. to laugh at them for their ignorance.. or be angry.. ??

But like i said.. this year.. we’ve had more tourist from within the province and some from Toronto. And they are really nice..! a nice change for business owners like us. And not so much aggravation for the staff.

Exhibition Week

This week is exhibition week.. and by exhibition week.. i mean .. the ones we have in our Pasar Malam back home. Yup.. !! and you know what .. everyone here is so excited about it. And it’s way too expensive.. to go to these exhibition.. so every year.. PB and I don’t even think of it. And now with Chloe.. it’s just not worth pay like $25.00 just to go on those rides.. which are Pasar Malam style. Not your Ocean Park in Hong Kong style ok. Very old and very old fashioned. I’ll try and take some photos to show what i mean.

We expected it to be not so busy for us at Main Street, since the exhibition is at Starrs Road.. but we’ve had a good few days.. so we are actually quite pleased with it. And yes.. freaky too.. coz’ yesterday’s business.. was done in a good 15mins.. !! meaning all our money earned yesterday.. was in that 15mins.. spurt.. or rush .. as you can put it. And i assure you .. it was alot of money for a 15 mins..! Now if only we can open the store for 15mins a day.. and make all sorts of money like we did yesterday.. that would be so cool.. hahahahha!!

Tall Ships

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The Tall Ships were in Y-Town .. to celebrate Seafest with us. As promised some pictures of it. Unfortunately, i didn’t get to go see the ships.. because it was a busy day .. and PB was so nice.. he went up the ships.. to get some photos to show everyone. The unicorn was just one of the few that was docked at Y-Town. Think of the Pirate of the Carribean, think of the Tall Ships, if you get the idea.

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Lobster House….??

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Lobster house..?? or a snack bar..?? or an ice palour..?? Actually all 3 .. to be exact. This kiosk are very popular here in Nova Scotia. And that last Sunday .. we went out for ice cream.. because the usual Cook’s ice cream.. at Hebron was serving strawberry soft serve and not chocolate.. 😉 ya… PB is very particular about his ice cream.

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Best In Seafest 2007

Sorry .. i’m so slow in posting all the pictures of the Seafest Parade .. but i’ve been really busy.. so can only do 2 or 3 pictures at one go. Bear with me.. because there are only a few left.. and then we will move to the other events for this summer.

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They are RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police), we call them the Mounties..!! So stylo-malo right..??!!?? I tell ya.. all our Mounties.. are very good looking fellas… and very good PR.

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