What Makes Me Really Mad

Reading the Vanguard (our local paper) yesterday.. got me really worked up..! Why..?? because someone can arm rob you .. and the following week.. he can be out walking around town.. and waiting for his trial.. and in the meantime.. he can prolly skip town.. while he is on house arrest or worst.. commit another crime.. rob someone else.. or break into someone else’s house.

Yup.. many a times.. when we read that someone is caught for doing this and that.. or even stealing an ambulance..!! what is done..?? no charges laid .. because not enough evidence.. or most time.. they get adjourned .. and again .. adjourned.. till thy kingdom come. And I tell you .. !! what is so hard to charge someone.. who has got like 100 charges against him ..?? I donch know the reason for all these .. and this is really a very small town.. and surely .. it doesn’t take too long .. to gather all information.. or is it the lawyers here..?? that keeps pushing them back.. in the name of gathering more info..?? for their client..?? If so.. shouldn’t the judge.. the system here.. put a full-stop to it all..?? and get justice done..?

Yes.. I fear..! i fear not only for myself.. but for my daughter.. when she gets older..! will she be a victim.. of those who were let out.. on the street.. even though we know these crooks could do more harm..?