
I don’t have many friends and those whom I called friends are those who’ve known me for a long time and treasure me and accepts me for who I am. My rule for any friendship is I would never ask to borrow any money from my friends if i treasured their friendship – now would i take my friends for granted. But my friends need to back off and give me space when I need it. Even though I am very talkative – truth be told I’m a very private person – Chloe and PB are the most important people in my life – and of course, I have good friends that I’ve known for many years. It’s hard to be my friend – because I’m quite picky.

In my 11 years in Canada – I’ve gathered a group of friends – and these people are truly good to not only me – but Chloe and PB as well. They care for us unconditionally and remembers all our special dates and days – they are there for us – if we needed a helping hand – or a warm home to stay in – if we get power outages. I’m happy with my friends and the family I have – what about you?

Howard Stern Show On Radio

We only have one radio station in this town – poor us eh! unlike home, we have the chinese station, the english station, the Malay station, the Gold 90.5FM, the symphony station and many more by now I am assuming. I missed the talk shows – the interaction between the listeners and the radio DJs a lot and the discussing of certain high key issues in the country. So we have sirius a Satellite Radio and listen to Howard Stern Radio and Oprah Winfrey instead especially if we are driving up to the city. 4 hrs of driving can get very boring – trying to think of something to chat. But I do love the Howard Stern Radio a lot because it’s just hilarious – and he does the most outrageous stuff and say the most unthinkable thing. Plus his guest lists are awesome too – from Chris Rock to just about anyone you can think of – you want to hear on the radio. Thank God for satellite radio else I would be bored to death here.

Teaching Responsibility

I’m not a perfect parent – in fact – far from it – but one thing I know for sure – is that teaching your kid to own up and taking responsibility for thing that he or she did – is a very important step to growing up and living an honest life. I find it so sad – when a parent starts pointing fingers at the other kid – when the kid is found stealing from our store or doing something bad. According the the parent – it’s not his kid – but the other kid he is with – and the same goes for the other kid’s parent – when I spoke with them about it. It’s easy to point fingers at the other family – the other kid – but what does it teach your kid?

Yesterday, another parent was in with her kid – wanting to rent a game – but the kid had a $30 late charge from a previous game rental. The mother said – nope she wasn’t paying for it – because it wasn’t her lates *slap forehead* – walked out – but called back and insisted that we shouldn’t have rented the game under her account but her ex-husband’s *slap forehead*. So what does it teach that kid? what would i do?

Firstly, I would pay up the amount – because it’s my kid – but I’m letting my kid go easy – that’s for sure – and I won’t be renting another game for her for a long time – till she works it off – by doing dishes or laundry or something that needs doing around the house or even the store in our case. But to argue with the store owners – to make it the store owner’s fault – now that’s the wrong way to teach your kid. Teaching responsibility should begin right now – not when your kid is 21 or 50 – it begins as soon as your kid is born. Being a responsible parent brings up responsible kids – try to remember that the next time you point fingers at other people’s kid.

Winter Must Have

If any of you decides to move to Canada and migrate here permanently – like buying a house and all – there are some things you need to have for winter. Why? winter is wicked in most part in Canada and to survive winter – and make life less miserable for you – these are the two things you have to have. The garage door opener and a car starter for the winter. Why? because you don’t want to be stuck outside while you unload your groceries in the middle of winter and you don’t want to freeze in your car – while you wait for it to warm up or when you are shuffling. We learned this the hard way – and like i said – the garage door open and the car self starter to warm up the car – before you need to put your children into the car – to send them to school early in the morning. Trust me! you will thank me for this info – later.

No More Bi-focal For Me

Last year I went to a different eye doctor – because my old one refused to give me a prescription for bi-focal and I was so sure I needed it because when I need to read anything – I have to remove my normal glasses. So I got my bi-focal last year – which cost me a good $500 – for a pair and what happened? I still couldn’t use my bi-focal – because it doesn’t seem to work very well for me. And how do I read now? I still need to take off my glasses! *sigh* – so after paying so much – and not being able to use it leaves me very frustrated because I could have gotten 2 pairs for the same price if not because of my bi-focal. So now i’m sticking to cheap glasses since I don’t have to have bi-focal – that’s for sure. So I’m wrong – and my old eye doctor is right.

A Tour Of Our Local Hospital

The school brought Chloe for a tour of our local hospital and of course – the kid came back with loads of questions for us. From why there are rack mount in the hospital to all about the lab and what she saw in the lab. And of course the baby rooms where all the babies were kept after the babies were born. So like any parents – we try to explain all the details to her – as far as we know how.

It’s amazing that school are so proactive in showing kids everything around them – from apple farm to museums and the firefighter’s office – I would enjoy it tremendously too if I was a kid all over again. Back home every excursion the school arranges- we had to pay for them – and also we had to bring our own food for lunch and break time. But not here in Canada – everything is paid for by the school and even the school buses arranged are all paid for – so yes! Canadian students are definitely much more lucky, therefore, it would be hard for me to think of bringing Chloe home and having her study in Singapore where the competition is a lot more competitive than around here – it’s pretty relax mode over here in Canada.

Not Too Cold Yet – Scary

Every year around this time – the weather is already horrid – but this year – we haven’t seen much snow – in fact there are days I just have my sweater on – and nothing else. So you can imagine how scary I am now – because Winter has just began – and we haven’t seen much of anything as of yet. Plus you and I know that weather doesn’t turn good till about May here. So if it ain’t starting yet – when is it going to end? I’m not complaining and even though today is really cold – it’s still better than getting a snow storm or a blizzard right? the water on the ground had turned to ice over night – but pretty calm still. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed and hope for the best.

Working In Canada

We were at a local fast food place the other day – and it was an Asian who served us – this person is not young – in fact i believed she had been in Canada for a long time. But as soon as she started to serve us – even I cannot really understand her very well, so I quickly ordered and went on my way. Many people had asked me if it was easy getting work in Canada – and even though like that girl I saw at this fast food place – I can imagine that our accent may be a little bit of a hindrance – just to get a job in any good places. Even though I pride myself as having English as my first language – there are still some people who claimed they cannot understand me at my own store. So when I think about getting a job out of the comfort of the store – when Chloe is older – i too wonder if it would be a hindrance or a setback. Should I start talking like the “ang mohs” Canadians? should I be more Canadianized? But I do like the way i speak – like many people would be stubborn and exclaimed but yes! I think if i want to get a job outside of this comfort zoen – I better start speaking like a Canadian – if not a American eh.

I’m An Action Mom !

I’m an action mom! are you? while PB is very relax about stuff – I’m the action one – I like to do things quickly – pick up the phone and find out all the information about it – and get things done. And I pride myself for it – unfortunately, it also bugs me that PB is so relax – and seems like waiting for things to happen and not making things happen. Am I do doer? or am I just overly excited about stuff? I think a balance is good – but when things don’t get done – it kinda makes my heart raise its heartbeat – I don’t know if you know what i mean. But yes ! i’m an action mom! and being an action mom can sometimes caused one to loose lots of sleep. What kind of mom are you?

Teenage Pregnancy

Sometimes I don’t know what these kids are thinking. For years now – I’ve seen teenagers having babies as young as 14 yrs old. What in the hell are they thinking? Plus they people they are having these babies with are just another kid!!!! This town has the highest teenager pregnancy and everyone is taking all these way too lightly. There should be a law against teenage pregnancy!

I just found out that our 19 yrs old customer got his 15 yrs old girlfriend pregnant! holy moly!! i don’t think he has a job – I don’t think she is in school anymore – I don’t really know what they have for a future. What are they thinking? Mannn!! i seriously hope we could teach Chloe better – I certainly don’t hope this for any family – it’s has gotta be the hardest blow for any family.