Yoga At Work

A few of the girls around the block decided that we have to go for yoga before work, so here I am going out to find yoga pants for this office yoga session. For $5 a session, I think it’s a great idea – because yoga relaxes me a lot and I wished more people could see the benefit of going to yoga. There are some yoga stuff that they sell at the yoga studio here but not yoga pants, so I had to find them online and it’s way cheaper I heard from the girls who had gone to the city and bought them there. Anyhow, I’m looking forward to office yoga everyday before work, it’s definitely a great way to start the year.

Quarterly HST Remittance

 It’s that time of the year again where we have to remit our quarterly HST to the government and the last quarter the HST that we’ve collected is closed to $6500.  How do we know?  with a  reporting engine  that we use at the store for calculating sales and the intakes of the store, it shows us exactly where and what products are selling good and where our remittance should be.  When you own your own business, you have to find reliable software to help with the running of the business.  Fiances are kept closely watched because of this software and we get to know exactly how our sales and our receivables are at.  We don’t like giving more or less to the government, therefore investing in a good reporting software was the best thing we could have done for the store.  Sure there are more improvement to be made in the store and for the store but we feel that this is one of the most important because when we do need to finance our other business venture, this software will help us with the bank as well.

New Mattress


New mattress is due for the princess because the last one we had bought wasn’t an expensive one – in fact, we had just bought one that wasn’t that expensive and that she would be comfy with.  But I think it’s time to buy her a new and better mattress, after all, she does spend a lot of time on her bed and she is getting older – a good mattress is due.    I checked out some mattresses at bedroom furniture nyc  because they are organic.  Why organic you asked?  or you must think I am trying to be upper class – hahah! but none of those things, just that I don’t want Chloe to be sleeping on something that can trigger her asthma.If you don’t know by now, the fill of a mattress can be filled with airborne allergens and chemical toxins as well, so why risked it especially if you don’t have to.   I rather pay more for a organic mattress than make my kid suffer.  Sure it’s a little bit more than you would pay for your regular mattress but we really want her to be able to use the mattress till she is in her teen years – so this is a good investment.

Planning For A New Business

PB and I had our brains picked about a month ago and came up with a new business idea for downtown.  We figured if any kind of store would do well – in downtown – it would have to be a dollar store.  After much brainstorming and looking at our finances, we figured nothing venture nothing gain – so yes, we will be opening a dollar store in downtown.  But first to look for some  Gondola Shelves because we need to get something that are cheap and sturdy as well as reliable and allows us to stack as many things as possible in small spaces.  We need shelf displayer, hooks, racks and many other things to set up shop, so wish us good luck for next year – we are hoping to get the dollar store up and running by early next year.

This is all very exciting for us because it’s a totally new business to us but I know we can make it work and it would only means that I will have more responsibilities but this time I have help from family and closed friends. I’m pretty happy about it – now if we can get funding instead of having to use our own money – that would be perfect.

Entrepreneurship 101

Folks always think that our business became successful overnight but little do they know all the trials and errors we’ve gone thru’ before we are where we are today.  But even today, we don’t splurge and spend frivolously on ourselves nor the store. Of course, we get what we need but if we can save on anything we would.  When it comes to buying stuff or doing things for both home and the store, PB is the one that is good with the money.  We do all our  business cards with an  online business card printing place and still do now and if there is one advice we can give to anyone is to start small and save wherever and whenever you can.  Don’t need to use big companies for your printings or anything unless absolutely necessary. I know of many young entrepreneurs who would buy the most expensive stationary or print the most expensive business cards from big company only to end up in debt or closing its shop in less than 6 months.  Our business card is plain and simple and it serves it purpose and we are still doing alright with it.

My Handy Man

Don’t you love it when your man is handy around the house?  I loved watching PB put nails into the wall or fix the window or build something for Chloe.  I was looking for some new  kitchen faucets  to replace our old one in the kitchen and couldn’t find them in our local stores here – so PB showed me some that he can order online and he said he will replace them for me – because I like them all pretty up – hehe! the exact words PB said.  He knows me too well – so he thinks – but truth be told – guests comes into the kitchen and sit around the kitchen most of the time, therefore, it’s important to keep the kitchen looking nice.  But the real reason is because the old faucet is really looking tired and needs to retire it soon. So the new kitchen faucets are to come soon and before Christmas – I will be able to show off my pull out kitchen faucet.

The Kid Can Sing


Yes ! she loved to sing and she loved singing to us and dancing a lot – so when we found a karaoke machine for cheap – we decided to get it for her for Christmas – now to look for a  karaoke microphone  and we will be all set for her singing career.   But seriously, since she loved to sing so much, we decided maybe we should look for a voice teacher to develop this talent.  And I’ve heard that singing in  public can help build confidence in your kids – so maybe, if we encouraged her to sing not only to us but to other people as well, she may stand up for herself and speak up to her teachers if she needed anything.  As of now, she still doesn’t speak up when she needs help or if someone is bullying her.

Shopping For Christmas Already

Yes! call me crazy but I think if you see some  cheap macanudo cigars  online, you might as well start shopping for Christmas now.  I know that some of the extended family loved the cigars during Christmas time and special occasion, so I figured it would be handy to have on hand when we get invited to Christmas parties or Halloween ones. I only buy things when they are on sale or if they are dirt cheap for I cannot justify buying expensive stuff.  What about you?  are you starting soon?  I’m hoping that this year I would do better than last – buy shopping systematically.

Winter Boots For The Kid

Fall is definitely here by the weather we got today and even though we don’t like to see Christmas decoration for sale in the mall, we have to face the fact that Mr Winter is coming whether we like it or not.  The school had sent home notice about sledding and snowboarding and that helmet is now required but not compulsory yet.   Time to get Chloe some  Snowboard Boots  before we can’t find the right size and color for her.  Anything pink is good but I have to buy something slightly bigger for her because she refused to wear anything that is fitting for her feet.   I don’t know if it is a good thing but whenever we feel that the shoes or boots fits her perfectly, she tells us otherwise.   A good fitting shoe and boots is very important for a child who is still in the growing stages but she is stubborn, if it hurts her feet, she rather not wear it, so a good snowboard boots is important for her.

Rainy Season

 We just got back from lunch at the Chinese Restaurant and it was drizzling a little but we also noticed that there were water leaking thru’ the window’s at the restaurant and wonder if the owners knew about it. The  window replacement newport news va  would be the place to introduce them to if they needed replacement of windows but I guess since it is a rented place, the landlord would take care of it.  Any rain coming into windows is never good news at all and must be taken care of immediately else there will be mold in the house and water damage in other areas that needs repair.  I don’t know if I should point this out to the owners without sounding too busybody or how i should do it. Sure they are friends but I don’t want to be seen as being pushy which is not good at all.