A Gloomy Day

I woke up to a rather gloomy day.. and a heavy heart this morning. Today is the day.. where we will all be attending a funeral.. and burying Roy (my spouse’s godfather/MIL’s youngest brother). His body arrived yesterday.. at the funeral home in Meteghan.. together with his wife , Carmen .. and his 3 sons.
Roy is gonna be buried in Hectanooga as per his wish. He died of heart attack on the first of July. I feel a great deal of sadness since last nite… imagining seeing Roy again .. this time .. in a casket. I cannot help.. but think .. if only we have taken time off our busy schedule.. and gone up to Briar Lake to say hi.. whenever he is down from Campbelton visiting… for he was here not too too long ago.. maybe like a few weeks… before he passed away.
So yes.. my regret is not making time for the ppl we care about… until it’s is too late.. to tell them.. that we think they are great..!
Are you making time for the ppl you love.. or care about..?? How can i live .. without feeling this kinda regret that i do this morning..??