Leader or Follower..??

I’ve asked myself this many a times.. if i am a leader or a follower..??

I then asked MrT if I am a leader or a follower..??? Guess what he said..?? What about you .. ?? are you a leader or a follower..??

There is nothing wrong being either a leader or a follower.. of course. Each plays it own role.. and own part.. without the other.. they cannot show their true identity nor can they excel.

Anyhow.. i know i’m not a follower for sure.. never have been .. and never will be. I am too opiniated ..and too headstrong and set in my ways. I don’t know if all these qualities are good or not. But i know that i’m a leader.. because i am very quick to act.. and giving solutions.. or finding one.. or what i like to call an alternative. I do not follow trend.. i like to do things uniquely… i am thrilled by the simplest things.. and i do not flaunt what i have.

I try to keep a low profile.. unfotunately.. that does not help abit.. coz’ ppl identify me quickly as the boss’s wife.. or the person-in-charge .. so it seems. Wherever i work.. i never tell anyone.. that i’m in charge or that i’m the boss… be it in the hotel.. or in the spanish company… but when ppl need things resolved or things to move.. they come to me.

If my juniors/employees have a problem.. they come to me .. to resolve them. My Director of Sales from the Asia Pacific Region. including those in Australia.. even my boss .. never question me.. when i asked them to verify their account expenses before i submit for them to HQ. Maybe that is why.. i am so brazen. .and bold.. and blunt when it comes to business..?? so is this being a leader..?? or being a bully..?? Hmmm.. a fine line isn’t it..??

Oh well.. i would like to think .. i’m not a follower because i’m one who faces any obstacles head on .. and not afraid of confrontation.. nor am i afraid to voice my opinion.

What about you..??