An Old Friend

Paul an old friend of my spouse.. who used to lived in the same apartment as my spouse .. many moons ago.. came by the store.. this afternoon.. with his son. He is now living in Calgary.. and is down in Yarmouth visiting.
We haven’t seen him for 3 yrs to-date.. and he doesn’t know that we have a baby now. But it was a pleasant surprise.. and Paul does look alot, alot better this time. Perhaps it’s because he has custody of his son now.. the last time i saw him in town.. i know.. he missed his son alot. So i am very happy.. that he is doing well.. and that he has got custody of his son, Josh. Josh also seems to be a very nice boy.. he is about 7yrs old.
I had asked Paul.. if he was seeing anyone.. and apparently .. he is still carrying a torch for someone here in Yarmouth. My spouse was joking.. that this gal .. is his dream g/f .. from way back.
Wow..!! i couldn’t believe it either.. when he told me who she is. And i really hope things work out for be honest. His dream girl is very pretty.. but not all there. .if you know what i mean. But that’s only my opinion.. and it’s not important.. as long as Paul is happy.. and his dream gal is.. i’m happy too for him.