A Moment of Fear

I had the worst moment of fear last nite when Chloe woke up at 3.10am. I woke up swooning but thinking it was because i got up too fast because Chloe was screaming… i still went ahead to pick my brat up from her crib.
Got her milk and changed her diapers.. and all this time having cold sweat run down the nape of my neck.
I quickly put her down on the floor and wanted to lay down and rest.. but as soon as my head touched the floor.. it swooned so bad.. i wanted to throw up. I quickly got up.. and got my spouse to wake up.. so that he can take care of Chloe.. but chloe was already screaming and crying .. because i left the room.
I laid on my bed for the longest time, praying that i will feel better soon.. but i didn’t till about 5.30am, Chloe had gone to bed.. and my spouse exhausted from cajoling her.
I got up .. to check my sugar level .. and it was higher than it should be.. and got a drink. Went back to sleep at 5.45am .. and chloe got up at 7.10am.. looking for her mummy.
I had to get up.. because i know my spouse was very tired.. and i just prayed so hard.. that i wouldn’t swoon again.
I quickly led her back to the room.. and laid down with her.. but she didn’t really sleep till morning.
I donch feel so bad now.. but i’m not at my best. I can imagine how MG from Mumsgather felt.. when she got sick. The first thing that came to my mind was my brat.. that i donch wanna be ill because my brat needs me.
I am not afraid to die.. i’m afraid of leaving my daughter behind.. and not being there.. when she needs me.
So i made an appt with my family doctor.. and will be asking him for a prescription for some tablets .. to control my sugar level. Although i never thought i needed one for a long time still.. i have no choice for the sake of my brat.. to stay as healthy as i possibly can.
Donch worry about me.. for my spouse is taking good care of me. I’m not left alone with my brat for long all day. He took Chloe everywhere he went.