Got Ripped!!!

See these nice tomatoes…??? my parents-in-law got ripped again..!! the first time was a bottle of jam .. and now an old man .. in his late 40s or early 50s and his mother in her 70s..?? got loads of stuff from my in-law’s stand .. and only paid 15 bucks for everything..!!!!!!! they took more than 15bucks..!!! they even unloaded the stuff from my father-in-law’s truck. No one was home.. they were out for delivery that afternoon. And those two old thieves just load up a whole bag.. a gunny sack bag that big with stuff.. and paid 15 bucks..!!!!
Nope .. they donch recognise the low down son of the bitches, son and mother .. but i sure hope .. they die of diarrhea..!!!!
I mean..!! c’mon..!!! you know how hard my in-laws plant them .. and harvest them in the hot, hot sun..!!!!! and they go ripped my in-laws..!!!! What assholes..!!!! i hope after eating all the vegies.. their assholes burn like having rubbed chilli padi in them.. !!!