Cravings Can Kill!

Yes.. my cravings are so bad.. i can kill..!! tonite.. i crave for Japanese food.. ! after reading AG’s blog Grab Your Fork about jap food.. i could almost cry.. thinking of all the food i am missing..!
Yes.. AG! i almost cried.. looking at the plate of sushi you had..!!! at Musashi Dining Bar. Why..?.. because like AG.. i’ve ate in many of these japanese restaurant when i was stationed in Sydney. It brought back alot of memories.. and also.. it was kinda torturous for me.. for i could almost taste the magaro.. hahhahaha!!
Some of you may not understand this kinda obsessive craving.. i donch think my spouse would either.. for he rarely craves for food… but for someone who have been exposed to so many different kinda cruisine from all over the world…. i find it really sad.. and really, really sad..!
Yes… my cravings are so bad tonite.. i could kill..! good thing my spouse decided to go to bed early.. and not listen to my nonsence..haha!! See a smart