Deepavali & Hari Raya Puasa

Back home this weekend.. everyone of our Indian friends.. and muslim friends will be celebrating Diwali and Hari Raya Puasa, while Papa BoK would be trying to move the store.. and set up everything for the new store.. all on his own.. except for some help from some really good ppl.

I am noting this down, so that I can remember and explain the many different cultures we have in asia to my brat when she is older.

Do i miss this festivals..?? yes .. alot..! i was brought up in a Malay kampong.. and therefore .. am very familiar with the practices of my muslims friends. I remember all the good food.. and sweets given to us in a tray.. by our muslims friends. .when i was a kid. The muslim has such a rich culture.. and i can still remember their weddings.. and just loved it…!! the drums.. and pounding during the parade when the bride arrives.. is exhilarating..!

I donch have many indian friends though.. but I remember Muthu and his sister . who stayed in Block D of our kampong. My oldest brother used to have a song for Muthu… i cannot remember what it is now.. but it was sure funny… and Muthu was surely upset.. with my brother… hahahha!! when we were kids.

DEEPAVALI or Diwali means “a row of lights” or the Festival of Lights.

Muslims celebrate the festival of Aidilfitri – popularly known as Hari Raya Puasa, or simply Hari Raya (Day of Celebration) – to mark the culmination of Ramadhan, the holy month of fasting.