Jones Family

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Now tell me.. ain’t this a beautiful family..??!!!?? or what..!!! Audrey and I go back a long, long way.. longer than me and Papa BoK… 🙂
I met Audrey more than 10 yrs ago, thru’ another friend at work, and we had kept in contact all these years. But i must admit.. that i’ve been slacking ever since i came to Canada. But every year .. dear Audrey.. would send me a family potrait during Christmas.. ! Bless her heart..!!
So .. Audrey.. this Christmas.. i wanna thank you for being a good friend.. and being there for me.. ALL the time. Especially when i first had Chloe.. you gave me .. so many advice.. and was so supportive..!! You have made raising Chloe .. a little easier.. and a little more manageable for me.. 🙂
Merry Christmas to you and yours..!! and may all your wishes and dream come thru’.. 🙂
Thank you for being my friend..!