Arty Farty

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One thing i missed alot about Singapore.. is attending those arty farty concerts. Tang Quartet is one of the many that i’ve attended. I remember they were still very new.. and I saw one of their very first concert.. with my friend .. Coco.. 🙂

All the 4 guys were pretty young… but pretty fabulous .. when it came to their music..! i simply fell in love with their music. They had charisma alright..!! Two played the violin.. and another a Cello.. the same as what Coco used to play for charity.

And i think one or two of them used to play with the SSO. And if you know anything about Singapore.. you would know that the SSO’s performance is one of the best you would ever hear..:)

My g/f from Hong Kong who had just attended their concert in December wrote.. and said to me:

Wished you were here to enjoy the Tang Quartet with us..! We missed you so much.. and your enthusiam with all the arty-farty stuff .. that we never seems to keep up with .. but you made sure.. we do something nice.. at least a few times a year.

Come home and visit soon…. dear friend..!

Isn’t that sweet ..???!!!???? At times when things do not go right .. with the ppl i have to deal with here everyday…. it makes me wonder.. and doubt .. if i am as bad a person as they made me out to be.. and then my g/fs send the nicest email.. or letter or cards or gift to assure me.. that i am not too bad a person. Afterall, would you send cards and gifts .. to someone who is a B I T C H ..??? kekekekkee!! not likely eh..???