Feeling Rundown

I thought i was surely gonna get sick last nite.. after coming back from the store.

After doing the minimal housework.. since Papa BoK helped in cleaning up the bottles and doing laundry.. and vacuuming the study room, I did some paper work for the store and evaluation of the workers we had.. and i went to bed.

Papa Bok woke up with Chloe in the middle of the nite.. but i was jolted outta my sleep at about 6am in the morning.. because i didn’t feel too, too good. I was kinda afraid that i was getting a panic attack .. which i haven’t had for a long, long time. I finally got up.. and ate some ice.. just to calm myself down.

This morning, I woke up .. at noon .. and i felt so lousy..!! I thought i was surely gonna be sick..! I was still tired.. and my tummy felt wierd.. and guess what..???!!?? my menses came..!! yukkkssss..!!!! and then i went back to bed till 3pm.. when we needed to go back to the store for doing evaluation with the workers.

I felt better .. after a shower.. and the long sleep. I just feel really bad for Papa BoK .. who had to wake up with Chloe.. and cook for her.. cook for me.. and then look after her again.. while i slept for a good 10hrs.

I’m just glad that i’m not sick. .and that I have Papa BoK to help out. Of course, i am sure my MIL would have come to help too. if i needed her.