Fellow Bloggers Unite

I first read about Siao Cha Bo’s condition early this afternoon at 5x’s Mom blog. And then of course i also saw Jomel reporting some good news about SCB.

A few other bloggers had written too about SCB. I personally do not really read her blog.. nor do i know her. But knowing that she is still in coma.. as a fellow human being.. it makes me sad.. moreso, because i read she has a daughter.

This evening .. MG from Mumsgather too wrote about SCB. Therefore, I am asking everyone out there.. to pray for SCB together at the same time .. my time here in Canada .. at 2am.. and your time in Asia .. would be 1pm tomorrow.
At exactly 2am.. tomorrow.. i will go on my knees.. and pray for SCB. I donch know if it would help.. nor do i know if she would wake up.. but i hope the ONE above would hear our pleas.

So join me.. fellow bloggers.. tomorrow at your lunch time.. and my 2am.. anyone from everywhere.. if you can.. to please pray for SCB .. to wake up… and to recover.

Updates: 19th April 2006 – 1pm (Asia Time)
19th April 2006 – 2am (Canada Time)
19th April 2006 – 7am (Spain Time)

Bloggers from all over the world .. to please join me.. in prayers..! you need not be a christian or a catholic. You can be of any religion.. even if you donch have a religion.. please join me.. in saying a prayer for SCB… to wake up .. from her coma.. and to recover.