
For the last week or so.. the brat has been fighting her sleep.. and trying all ways .. not to go to bed.. till at least midnite..! i donch know what’s up with that..!

I mean.. if she slept the whole nite.. i wouldn’t mind it so much… but she still wakes up at all times of the nite.. and wee hours in the morning.. and then wake up .. and go back to sleep again.. at 10.45am.. but if PB is not in the room and up with her .. like on the first wake up at 8 or even as early as 7.30am.. she would be waking up.. and screaming.. and asking for attention.

So here.. PB sleeping like at 3am.. and then having to wake up with her.. at 7.30am.. or even earlier sometimes.. like 5.45am… and then not getting much sleep after. So you can imagine.. either PB or I would be very, very stressed out.. during the day.. especially if the brat had been cranky in the store.. lately too.

Anyone wants to adopt a kid.. from 12am – 9am .. everyday..?? or maybe just a couple of days a week..?? please..?? please..>??? please..??? pretty please..??