Nipples Free

For 2 days now.. i didn’t have alot of bottles.. or nipples to wash .. because the brat refuses to drink her milky from the sippy cup .. since we ran outta liners. I thought that this time.. the transition would be much easier.. because she is a few months older.

Little did i know.. that my nipples free days are not over. We went out on a mission tonite after work to get her a sippy cup with a nipple on it.. to make the transition easier.. since she flatly refused to drink her milky from her sippy. But not having any luck.. we decided .. to give in.. and bought her some liners.. and promised to look for the sippy cup with a nipple another time.

You should have seen her.. when she drank her milky from the bottle.. !! boy !! she was sucking on it so hard.. and didn’t wanna let go at all.. made me feel like a “bad” mummy. I also gave in.. because i noticed.. that the brat didn’t have a full looking tummy anymore.. and all of a sudden.. looked alot taller..! She didn’t complained.. when she didn’t get her milky.. nor did she fussed.. she just didn’t want it in her sippy .. PERIOD.

But i feel she still needs the calcium in her milk… therefore.. i’m a wuss and gave in.