Hop Over Please..!

Those who haven’t gone over to Mei Yen’s blog at Da Wheel of Life & Happiness to CONGRATULATE her.. please do hop over right now.. and send your best wishes to her.. and read all about her romantic proposal .. and see her WEDDING ring..!!!

I have no idea why.. but i tell yer.. i damn like this gal..!!! For some reason.. unknown even to me.. i JUST like this gal..!!

I think mostly it is because she brings me so much joy.. just seeing her likeable face.. 😉 You know hor.. some ppl .. you see and you see.. you still cannot seems to like their face. My mom used to give names to ppl’s face.. like “muka assam” .. “muka sepat, sepat” .. all sorts lah..!! and my mom used to say.. how unlikeable.. so and so face was. But with Mei Yen.. the more you see her face.. the more.. you feel happy.. and joy .. just pure happiness.. and i donch know how to explain it at all. Wierd as it might sound.. this is how i feel.. each time.. i go into MY’s Blog.

Perhaps.. MY also put some love portions in her blog eh..?? kekekekek!!

Anyhoos.. this ain’t about me.. so hoppity hop over to MY’s blog .. and CONGRATULATE her ya..!!