Oldies but Goodies

Really glad to see some “old” customers back at our store . .renting Wii games. These customers are not really “old” if you know what i mean.. just ppl whom we have known for a long time.. and have been customers of ours for a long time.

With so much competition around town.. PB had been buying Xbox 360 & Wii Games.. just to keep up and to keep ahead of the competitions. And these “old” customers do not just rent games for a day.. they rent them for a week… and a few games at a time… can’t complain about that eh..hahha!

We love the “old” customers.. because they are ppl who have already established.. themselves in our store.. and we know them. I mean.. you really donch wanna risk renting a 90bucks game to someone you haven’t seen in your life right..??

Freedom Writers

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OMG….!! this is the most awesome movie.. i’ve just watched..!! please go watch it..!!! Hilary Swank .. was awesome..!!! Based on a true story..!! Awesome.. Awesome..!!

I finished watching it while feeding Chloe lunch.. so you can imagine.. how long it took her to finish her lunch.. right..??

No Bottle, No Milky

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We ran outta liners for the brat’s bottle.. a few days ago. Yes.. we have been using the ones that needs liner.. since she was born.. because she was very colicky .. when she was younger.. and we never changed it.. even though it is expensive. As first time parents .. we try to give the best to the brat.. and our philosophy is .. why changed it.. when you have a good thing going.. right..??

Anyhow.. since we ran outta liners.. we took the opportunity to try and wean the brat off the bottle once again. This is our 3rd time trying to. And of course.. this time.. she flatly refused the sippy cup… immediately.

I feel awful.. that she is missing her milky.. since she does love her milky alot… and drink it up when she had her bottle like an addict (trust me.. she looks like an addict.. kekekkee).

Tomorrow.. PB and I are on a mission to look for the sippy cup that has got a nipple on it. PB said.. it defeats the purpose right..?? I said.. “change slowly lah.. change slowly lah..!”

Smoochie Poo

The lil’ brat wanted to go to Grammie’s house to sleep tonite..! after much fussing.. we agreed to let her call Grammie instead at 11pm.

She told her Grammie & Grampie .. “I love you .. Smoochie Poo” .. coz’ she was watching Monster Inc this afternoon at the store. And boy .. was she tickled..!! hahahhahahahah!!

The Landlord Thinks..

Well.. apparently .. the landlord thinks that we are the luckiest store on Main Street.. because the whole block on Main Street were flooded with water.. some even had buckets laid all over their floors.

The Tim’s on the same street as us.. had to be closed .. for 3 weeks.. for renovation due to the leak. And we only had a wee bit… of rain coming in. This is all due to all the rain we had for the last few days.

Now if Walmart or other major stores.. starts closing down .. because of the rain.. and needs renovation for 3 weeks.. that would REALLY make us the luckiest store eh..?? Well.. one could always hope right..??? Or if it rained so much.. and someone’s car got flooded with water.. that it isn’t repairable.. now that would make us the luckiest store eh..?? Like i said.. one can always hope right..??

Dude On Easter

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Here’s chloe on Easter Sunday.. she wanted to be a dude.. and not a dudette.. kkekkkeke!! The cap was newly bought .. the day before.. and usually i won’t buy such an expensive cap for her .. but since PB said.. it’s ok.. for her easter present.. so i let him pay for it. And she was pretty adamant about getting the cap. A pink one for that matter.

It’s Raining

Yup.. it’s still very windy outside.. !! i had to fight against the wind.. to walk from the carpark to the store. But you know what…??!!?? it is so good to be out..! We have so much fun at the store.. where our regular customer/s would stop in just to chat.. and have fun.

Now that we are only opened at noon till 9.30pm everyday.. it’s alot easier on us.. and sure saves us alot of headaches. Keegan has been very steadfast.. and never demanded for any extra off days.. nor got ill either. So we are pretty much set.. and Chloe routine hasn’t been upsetted since December… so we are quite happy about it.

Oh.. btw.. !! she slept the whole nite.. last nite.. and when she woke me up.. she said.. “I SLEPT THE WHOLE NITE..!!” “i can go to the store today..!!” .. hahahahaha!! Yup.. she does know.. alot more than we give her credit for.. 😉

She is currently eating chips.. and drinking apple juice.. and watching toopy, toopy..!

Parking lot ducks

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These ducks were in the parking lot of the mall.. and was making themselves very comfy.. while we pulled out of another lot. It was just too funny..!!