Oldies but Goodies

Really glad to see some “old” customers back at our store . .renting Wii games. These customers are not really “old” if you know what i mean.. just ppl whom we have known for a long time.. and have been customers of ours for a long time.

With so much competition around town.. PB had been buying Xbox 360 & Wii Games.. just to keep up and to keep ahead of the competitions. And these “old” customers do not just rent games for a day.. they rent them for a week… and a few games at a time… can’t complain about that eh..hahha!

We love the “old” customers.. because they are ppl who have already established.. themselves in our store.. and we know them. I mean.. you really donch wanna risk renting a 90bucks game to someone you haven’t seen in your life right..??