Punishing Me or the brat..??

The brat woke up again at 6.50am this morning and asked for milky. I think she got woken up by the rain and thunder. She did go back to sleep after her milky but not soundly. And being me, I wanted PB to get some rest, so i stayed in the puter room with the brat for abit more instead of leaving her to wake up every 20mins .. which she is known to do. Afterall, PB needs some rest too right..?? since he has been waking up with the brat 6 days a week. So whenever i can.. i will try and give PB a rest.

Anyhow, the brat finally woke up at 9.20am.. and PB got up with her.. since i only went to bed at 8.30am. Well, PB told the brat she wasn’t going to work with him today.. since she woke up so early and let me sleep till almost noon before waking me up.

The brat didn’t fuss too much today.. because she thinks she will be going to the store later after i’ve showered. But as usual .. as soon as PB left.. she never stopped fussing.. from wanting chips, to candies.. to more candies.. to apple juice.. to water, to cleaning her hands.. and must be wet cloth first.. and then dry cloth.. and then wants to change her shirt .. and then wants to change her socks.. and then she wants to pee .. after which wants to poop.. and then wanting a new tent to be set up .. for her in the tv room.. when there was already a tube tent set up for her already.

The worst of all is .. she wouldn’t let me even shower.. and insisted on coming into the shower.. and kept on and on.. about not seeing me from the shower curtain.. so i had to stop and peep out. .and chat with her.. and after my shower.. she wants to do this and that in my bedroom.. and refuses to let me get dressed up.

So anyhow.. i MSN PB .. and asked me.. “Are you punishing the brat or punishing me..?? hahhahahaha!!! Well.. we finally did leave for the store. .at lunch time.