Real SpongeBob Fan

Chloe is a real spongebob fan..!! to the extend.. where she shocked me.. coz’ she knew what was coming up next.. before it even showed up in the spongebob movie.

She even remembered the names of the cartoon characters.. like Mermaid Man .. and Barnacle Boy..! It’s just too, too funny..!! when I see her explaining the cartoon to me.. 😉

Now.. my question to myself today is.. “Is she watching too much cartoons..??” “Is there any harm in her knowing by hard.. the next sentence of the cartoon..??” afterall, she was able to call out the supplier’s name .. even though he isn’t in that often.

So is the brat just simply good at remembering things..?? or is she just watching too much TV..?? She watches the tv .. when she is eating in the store.. and when i am cooking for dinner.. plus some when she is having dinner. In fact .. i try to stop the tv these days.. when i am cooking.. and let her play on her own.. and mess up the tv room.