Sunday Flea Market

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PB at the flea market on Sunday for the first time at the Mariner Center. Unfortunately, the flea market didn’t take off the way we wanted to .. but it was alright i guess.. it was a fun way to get outta the store.. and the tables and tents were provided at a very reasonable price.

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Yes.. we asked Keegan to come babysit .. so that Chloe gets to run around ..and have fun.. and fun she did have. Keegan is really god-sent..! a really good kid. Chloe loves Keegan so much.. and to think that Ms Selfish would have been so wicked to try to influence Keegan to quit after she left a month later… that only shows how much Ms Selfish is truly Ms Selfish because if Keegan would have quit… then the greatest lost here is Chloe and can you imagine how devastated Chloe would have been..??? So yes.. Ms Selfish is not only Selfish.. but wicked to the core. I so regret even to be an acquaintance to her . How could someone not THINK before trying to get Keegan to quit ..???