
Stairlifts are meant to help those who have difficulties moving around the home especially if your bedroom is on the upper level. Therefore installing a stairlift for my grandmother helped her restore her sense of freedom and indepence and of course it made it easier for us.. for we need not carry her up and down anymore, nor do we need for a strong man to be around, to lift her up to the upper floor.

Value Stairlifts met the requirement of my grandmother’s need and with a highly adaptable design, they gave us the best deal in the market. They have many models for you to choose from, so that you can move around your home with ease and confidence. Not forgetting that they also have the outdoor stairlifts, so that you can be mobile outside of your house too.

Easy to manouver, and a board control panel allows you to monitor the status of the lift. If there should be any problems.. it will alert you immediately. The seats are padded and so is the backrest to ensure a very comfortable ride. A lockable on/off switch, that prevents the grandchildren from playing with it. And even a remote control handset that allows one to call or send the lift up and down the stairs.

The stairlifts are installed by engineers and it’s fuss free with little disruption. The stairlifts are then thoroughly inspected before the engineers leave. 24 hrs is available, only a call away.