I Swear

I swear my in-laws are the best..!! We are all having lunch right now.. PB, the brat and I.. and we are all eating lasagna.. made by my MIL for us last nite. In it.. my MIL cooked a half a portion without mushrooms because PB hates mushrooms.. and the other half of the lasagna dish filled with mushrooms. Not only did we eat .. at my in-laws house yesterday.. she “ta pow” for us .. so that we can have it for lunch today.. so I .. yours truly donch have to cook lunch for the brat .. and also something wholesome for PB .. since he has been suffering with his sandwich for a week now.

My FIL made fudge for Chloe to bring home.. as a treat for her today.. just before we left. You see lah..!! you say my in-laws good or not..??? I think i’m the luckiest daughter in law in the world lor..!!