What a failure..!

Yah..!! i’m talking about ME.. yours truly..!! Yup.. ! i’m very sure..!! Every morning.. PB would wake up with the brat.. and give her milky.. feed her breakfast.. and sometimes.. already changed her poopie.. and outta her PJs .. and all… and i sleep till 11am.. sometimes earlier.. if i had to cook for the brat.. for lunch.. or need to take a shower.. before going to the store. But you get the idea.. PB does the morning thingie with Chloe.. waking up sometimes.. as early as 7am.

Today.. again .. the brat woke up at 7am.. and PB woke up with her first.. and when she woke up at 9am.. she looked for me.. so i woke up with her.. hoping to give PB a chance to sleep in .. at least once every couple of weeks.. lah..! You know lah.. ! gotta be kind right..?? hahaha!! Well.. ! as soon as the brat had her milky.. she wanted her waffles.. like NOW..!! ok.. so i did the waffle for her.. and all.. and then started feeding her.. and all.

Next she wanted .. to get outta her high chair.. so she can change into her regular clothings.. and then come back to eat. I said .. “no” .. and guess what.. !! she started screaming and crying..!! And cried she did.. !! big tears.. and screaming.. to WAKE HER PAPA UP..!!! OMG..!!!! I tried to ignore her.. but since she insist on waking her Papa up.. i slapped her on her hand..!! and let her down.. from her high chair. But of course .. not without losing it myself. Yup.. with all the screaming.. from both me and Chloe… PB woke up lah.. of course..! and then kenna spanked some more from PB.

Yup..! what a complete failure right..?? cannot even keep the brat in line.. just for one morning!! After PB woke up and all.. she quieten down.. and didn’t fuss about a change of clothes.. or anything.. because PB said.. to the brat. “We never changed your PJs before breakfast..??” …”why do you always do this to mummy..?? ” Yah.. complete failure.. “hang head down”.