Rolled My Eyes So Much

I’m currently watching .. Tokyo Juliet .. and i tell ya.. i’ve never rolled my eyes so much .. in any tv series.. but this one. Sometimes.. i fear that my eyeballs might turn backwards.. from rolling it so much.

This TV series is ok.. if i weren’t 42 yrs old. But at 42 .. and you see something .. that you know.. that even you wouldn’t do at that age.. just sets me thinking.. what the writers were thinking about ..???

In the tv series.. both the lead actor and actresses.. seems to have boy girl relationship… one after another..!! it’s either the lead actor’s turn.. followed by the lead actress’s turn.. and then it goes on and on .. and on..!!! Oh my GOD..!!! Kill me..!! i wanted to scream..!!!

If i had another chinese show to watch.. it would sure be parked .. to be watched only.. when i donch have anything else to watch.. that’s how much rolling of the eye.. i was doing..!