Time to Retire

The WOK..!

I hate to do it but i’m left with little choice, since it is not cooking my food properly anymore. On top of it.. it’s hard to clean it these days, all the scrubbing and soaking and washing still does not give me a clean wok anymore. I’m afraid the teflon is gone.. and we might get poison because of it. As el-cheapo as I am .. I cannot risked the health of PB and the brat.

I love my Wok alot..!! it has made cooking so easy for me.. and it’s not even a T-Fal brand.. it’s one of the local brand here .. and when i bought it .. it was on sale ( i never buy anything that’s not on sale). So yah.. i know i’ve gotten my money worth.. but so “sayang” to part with my most trusted wok.

Now to find a new wok .. a cheap one .. and a good one before i can retire the old wok. Yes.. i’m crazy to feel sentimental about my wok.. but it has been with me for 3 yrs now..!

Dear Wok, I really donch wanna retire you .. i know you ain’t that old.. but you are giving way.. and every function of yours seems to be getting from bad to worst.. so donch blame me.. i’ve no choice.. ! I love you .. but i love my family more. And if i used you some more .. knowing that you are “lau Kot Kot” already.. it’s like using my grandfather to babysit my brat. So .. sorry..we’ve gotta part ways.. Wok. Happy retirement.. real soon..!!