I Can’t Fathom These Ppl

Yesterday afternoon, while Chloe was watching TV.. and PB and I were busy doing our own things.. with a few customers in the store.. an ex- worker .. from 3.5yrs ago.. walked into our store.

I looked up.. and didn’t greet s/him as soon as i realized who it was. I’m not trying to be rude.. but really ppl like that .. i cannot phantom..! This fella .. bad-mouthed us.. even till today.. and the lastest was to Keegan our babysitter… !! asking Keegan to be careful of us.. because we deducted his pay of $120.00 3.5yrs ago. But he also conveniently forgot to tell Keegan’s b/f why we deducted his pay.

3.5yrs ago.. when I was having Chloe.. we hired him on.. to help out because I was going to deliver Chloe.. and being Christmas.. the store was very busy. Instead of helping us at the store.. thus giving PB and I free time.. to deal with the hospital and having a new baby.. everyday.. he loses money from the cashbox. Many a times.. we caught him giving back wrong change. And worst of all… he refused to collect a deposit from customer/s who had placed special orders during Christmas.. thus we lost some customer/s and irate a few too. His reason for not collecting a deposit was that “he didn’t feel right” since we didn’t have the product in stock”!!!!

Holy shit..!!! can “long piat ” or not..????!!!?? what kinda mentality was that..?? SPECIAL ORDERS means.. we have to order the damn thing.. right..?? we already explained it clearly to him.. about why there was a need to collect a deposit.. and still he wants to have his own rules. But the reason for deducting his pay of like $40 bucks.. and not $120 was because the Cash box keeps missing money at the end of the nite. It never tallies when he works.

So why even bother to come into our store.. when you are still bad-mouthing us..?? I can’t phantom this ppl..!! why show your blardy face.. ?? when you obviously can take time to hate us.. and try to justify .. yourself for getting FIRED. Sure no one likes to get FIRED.. but surely we ain’t mad to hire you on.. just to torture you .. ! We hire someone to help us.. NOT to help you ..!!