PB & The Brat’s Food

PB doesn’t say very much to be honest. And he doesn’t complain alot either.. about my housekeeping or my cooking. Usually he is very smart.. he wouldn’t say a thing.

But the recent trip up to Halifax.. i can see that PB is actually very “kancheong” about what the brat eats. We donch usually give the brat frozen or can food… but when i suggested that we do.. when we were planning our trip to Halifax.. PB didn’t say much.

The nite before the trip.. he made hamburger helper with pasta and packed it away for the brat’s trip. He then said.. that this was definitely healthier.. than frozen food. Unfortunately, PB failed to remember.. that if the food is not kept cool.. and we bring it around .. with us.. for hours.. it might be contaminated. But seeing that he cooked it.. i didn’t really say too much. But the next trip to Halifax.. I’ll make sure.. we bring our electric cooler along.