Many Fathers One Child

I find it really amusing.. when the women here.. make their kids.. call their current b/f .. dad or father. There is this kid .. that i’ve watched him grow.. and do you know.. each time the mother changes b/f .. he gets a new father.

The best part is.. everytime.. the mother is with someone new.. she disses the old b/f .. and of course.. now thinks that the one she is with.. is the best. But i can boldly tell you .. the new one is never better.. not that the old one is .. to start with.

I always wonder why .. women here has such low-esteem of themselves.. to even go out with the losers they are with. These men they are currently with.. has no jobs.. bum around.. and spend their money.. and lived on them. Not that the women that changes b/f so often are so great to begin with.. for 10 outta 10 is on welfare.

But I think about it.. and would i subject my daughter.. to calling one man after another.. “Papa/daddy/father” .. i think NOT..!! What the hell would my daughter turned out to be.. if i did that..?? confused.. the least to say.. but when she sees me.. changing b/fs like changing panties.. and a low down one.. what kind of self-confidence.. or image am i projecting .. to my daughter..?? If I did that.. sleep with one men after another.. my daughter.. would surely grow up to think that it is alright.. to sleep with any men .. she comes across.. and not only that.. a childhood with so many different men going thru’ her mother’s life.. is gonna be no less turbulent.

My question is.. are the women here.. see themselves as so low..?? that they would just settle for any Tom, Dick and Harry..?? This post is not to trash these women.. but they certainly are a wonder..! And I’m just wondering aloud.