Magic Ink Fingers

On Monday nite.. after Keegan left from babysitting.. and Chloe was playing in the puter room… all of a sudden.. she told her Papa she wanted to paint her nails. We found it kinda funny.. but not until we saw what was on Chloe’s nails..!!! Yup.. she guess right..!!! it’s magic ink on her 10 fingers.. and they won’t come out.. even though it was supposed to be washable..!!

I wasn’t really mad.. but was quite upset.. because.. this was a pack of magic ink.. that PB bought cheap. And we know we never taught Chloe at all to paint her nails.. nor mentioned it before.. because i donch paint my nails. I donch mind Keegan painting chloe’s nails..with real nail polish.. that can be washed off.. but till today.. the next day.. the damn magic ink still didn’t wanna go.. 🙁

Yes.. i understand .. it’s probably .. and most likely just for fun.. and to keep chloe occupied.. but still.. the el cheapo magic ink doesn’t come out..!!! PB is gonna have a talk with Keegan.. i am sure tomorrow.