Straight Talk

I donch know about other parents.. but when it comes to teaching Chloe danger .. i’m pretty straight forward about it.. ! I never believed in sugar-coating stuff for my daughter. Sure.. when she was younger.. i was more picky on my words.. but now that she is alot older.. i feel she should know the consequences.

For example.. if she was sucking on her lollipop.. and running around.. and i see it..!! I would tell her.. “no chloe..!! no running with the lollipop in your mouth..!!!” In which she would asked.. “Why not..?? ” And I would say.. “Because you might choke and DIE..!!! and have the lollipop stucked in your throat. ..!!!”

PB donch like it.. when i am so dramatic.. but if it gets the message across.. and she stops doing it.. and prevention is taken .. i think i’m doing the right thing..!!

What’s your take on it..?? do you have straight talks.. or sugar coat about “danger talk” ..???