What a Nite..!

Brat woke up at almost 2am.. and fussed so much.. and when she did finally dozed off.. at 4am.. PB put her back to her room.. and up she woke up again .. and fussing. And so off we go into the tv room.. and boy..!! was i tired.. and mad.. by that time..!!

4am..!! and still donch wanna sleep. The first time she woke up.. i think she had leg cramps.. but 2 hrs into it.. and still refuses to sleep…!! Boy..!! if you were my neighbour last nite.. you would have certainly heard me screaming..!

She finally went to bed at 5am.. and woke up at 9am this morning.. wanting to wake me up..!! I am guessing she knew i was mad with her last nite.. before she went to bed.. so she wants me in the morning.. which is very rare. Anyhow.. i’m tired.. and exhausted.. my back hurts.. my “aunt flow” is here..!! oh well..! life goes on eh..??

PS : I donch have a maid or a housekeeper ya..!!