The Calls We Get

Everyday, we get so many calls .. from ppl who wants to sell things to us. Everyday, we get ppl coming into our store.. and wanting to sell their old, old games to us for ridiculous prices.

This morning, we had just this kinda kid who wanted to sell us a game that was 3 yrs old for 8 bucks..! You can get those for as little as 9.99 new at Superstore.. and they want 8 bucks for it.. muahahhaha!! sometimes.. i donch know whether to smack them over their head.. or just roll on the floor and laugh.

And the calls we get.. !! OMG..!! you should hear what they wanna sell to us.. at times..! A Wireless Router .. that we ourselves sell for 40 bucks new.. and they want 40 buck for their used ones. At times… i wonder if they are on CRACK..!