Tim Hortons Gals

I’ll have to say that going to Tim’s now .. is alot merrier for me.. these days.. coz’ the gals at Tim’s are nice now. Remember last year.. i had some problems.. with 1 particular customer who sits at Tim’s all the time.. and one gal who misunderstood what I said. But the gals working now at Tim’s are so pleasant.. and they always treat the brat good.

In fact, the brat has taken to one of them big time.. and wants hug from her.. everytime.. she visits. And she wants to show off her new toys.. or puzzles to her. It is really and extremely nice.. to see ppl for once .. being decent in this town. And the Tim’s gals work really hard.. and they even remember what I take in my coffee. One supervisor knows i love mushroom soup very much.. and everytime.. she makes them.. she’ll make sure i know about it. And if PB was the one getting me coffee for the day.. they would even inform him about it. Now how nice is that…!! going beyond the call of duty.