Best Cook In The World

The things a child say.. can really warm your heart so much.. I sometimes donch know where she gets it from.. or what i did good to deserve such a good and smart and warm loving kid.

This evening… while feeding her some “chinese” noodles.. the brat turned around and said this to me… “Mom.. you are the best cook in the world..!” muahahahhaha!! you tell me.. that doesn’t shocked you first.. and then warms your heart so much.. you just wanna drop everything and cry… and hug her..! I was very tickled too.. and you know what.. chloe is so sensitive.. coz’ she knows exactly what we need to do at work.. or on the computer.. and she takes in just about everything you say.

Tonite.. i didn’t spend time on the puter.. because i didn’t have anymore work to do. You know what Chloe said to me.. “Mom.. you have no opps to take..??” .. muahahhahaha!! You tell me lah..!! how can all these smartness not warm my heart leh..?? I’m forever grateful to the ONE up there.. for giving me such a lovely kid..! and all i want for her is to be healthy and happy always. AMEN..!