Town On Tourism

I wrote about the Tourism Session scheduled this month and it was held today. We didn’t even planned to attend because we knew from the start that it is gonna come to naught. As i am typing this right now, there is a group of teenagers making so much din opposite our store and watcha gonna do about it..?? No one cares.. and no one is willing to take a step forward to look at the real problems downtown is facing.

Customers who attended the meeting said that there was no outcome.. and the mayor didn’t wait for the meeting to be over.. and slipped out the back door. NICE..! i think all those that depends on tourism to keep them afloat .. should prolly forget about the idea. A new president was elected too.. for the ppl who organized the Seafest here annually. I suspect he was elected because he was the one in charge of the bike rally that we had during summer. It was a success for the most part but i can assure you, we didn’t make a cent out of those bikers who came to town. So did it helped us. Absolutely no..! I just hope that the rest of the town did benefit from it though.

Something needs to be done for a major turnaround. By building a new municipality building for $4 – 5 million bucks just ain’t gonna do it. While you enjoy the new building a few year down the road, we can kiss downtown goodbye.