In Service

What is In-Service..?? yer probably wondering..! well.. In-Service is so often heard in this town of ours.. because it means.. the kids donch have to go to school.. for either the teachers.. have got some meetings on.. or they have to do marking..??!!?? What luxury eh..?? In all my life in school.. from primary to secondary .. to pre-university.. right up to University.. i donch believe . .we have had anything call in service.

Last year alone.. the kids didn’t have to go to school for in-service for like days..! unbelievable amount of time off for the kids.. that at times.. i wonder how are they gonna cope.. with finishing the year’s syllabus. I’ll have to ask Janice from HunnyBunz.. if they have in-service now in school. Or maybe.. i should check with our customer who is a teacher in one of the schools.. to see what this in-service is all about.

I worry.. because .. when Chloe goes to school.. what is it gonna be like. Already education is so different from what i was used to.. back home.. i foresee my kid not being challenged enough.. when she is at school. If so.. how is she gonna survive the hard knocks .. when she starts working..??