Dismal Tourism Season

A large hotel chain with two properties in Yarmouth is taking a wait and see approach when it comes to this years dismal tourism season. Rodd Hotels and Resorts operates the Rodd Grand Hotel and the Rodd Colony Harbour Inn. Company president and Chief Operating Officer John Cudmore admits this summer has affected the company’s bottom line.Cudmore says the company will work through the difficult perhaps by closing floors. Cudmore says he believes community involvement in working with marketing partners is the key to turning things around.

If big hotel chains are suffering here in Yarmouth, what can I say about small businesses like ours..?? Truly it is sad to see this town in this state, something went wrong.. along the way.. and if business are suffering the way we are.. how can the town still justify spending all those money .. for building new offices..?? Perhaps the town is churning in money from somewhere..?? but i donch know where it is coming in from or not..?? But as for us .. small business in this town.. and now even a large hotel chain is saying.. “WE ARE BLEEDING!” , so someone please tell me.. what can we all do..?? instead of just whining non-stop..??