Donch Act Smart!

Donch you just hate it..! when someone try to act smart .. in front of you ..?? Yes.. i have some folks who are like that..! and it just tickle the hell outta me..!! you would too..!

A customer came in today .. and saw me feeding Chloe lunch. PB had bought me lunch from DEAR Mr Choo’s, and customer said to me.. “you should ask Wilson (dear Mr Choo) for those shio kau, when he gets it sometime in Toronto”. I didn’t really answer him because he was actually talking to PB. And then he had to turn around.. and say this to me.. “you know what is shio kau? right..?” I could really roll my eyes..!! a “ang moh” asking me.. a “cina-totek” whether I know what a “shio kau” is.. ???!!!??? HELLLOOOOO..!!!! my grandmother fed me “shio kau” before she fed me milky you know.. 😛

So just a friendly advice to all the “ang mohs” out there.. !! do not ask a chinese.. if she knows what “shio kau” is..!! Donch act smart ya..!