Gas Prices Continues To Go Up

“Prices at the gas pumps were 12.7 per cent higher than they were in September of last year. That was because of a sudden drop in gas prices a year ago rather than any increase between August and September, Statistics Canada said.

With gas prices going up again this year due to inflation, that would mean . .that we are going to have a very expensive winter too. If you are like us.. and owns a store.. or two… it is definitely gonna be a hard winter. So how do one survive..?? there is really no way to. How can a small business like ours.. compete with Walmart..?? no way..! heating the store will cost us a big fortune .. on top of everything. .we have to pay for power, internet.. inventory and phone bills, bill for the swiping machine.. bill to clean the glass windows, bill to garbage collector, bills to keep the inventory at a decent level and of course the rent and employees.