The People Has Spoken

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Yes.. the people has spoken.. ! 9 outta 10 person we spoke to at our store.. is not for the new municipality building .. but has the people been heard..?? Folks are writing to the local papers .. asking the town.. to re-consider and to set their priority right..! at least 4 letters has been published.. and i’m sure many more feels the same.. but not doing anything.

To me.. it’s a very sad situation here. There is nothing i can do.. nor it seems to .. for others here too.. because apparently even the tender for the new building was not an open one..?? I was shocked..! and appalled .. but that’s the understatement of the year. I am sure.. alot of ppl from this small town feels the same too.. shocked and appalled. But since I am not a citizen in Canada.. and my hopes are to go back to Asia with PB .. more now.. because of this situation here.. i am not saying a thing.