Owners Do Have Perks

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Ya.. ya..! i complained alot.. about the tough shit about owning your own business for 8 yrs.. ! from “wonderful” ex-employees to “super” great customers but i’ll have to say that owning your own business does have it perks. I for one am not into gadgets.. ppl can go ga-ga .. over a new ipod .. or a new xbox 360 or a new cell phone. But me.. i’m the most practical person on earth. If the cellphone works.. that’s all i ask.. no need stylo-malo anything in it. Same goes for the cd player .. that i’ve been using in the bathroom. You see yours truly needs to relax.. when showering or taking a bath.. so some music is a MUST for me. But lately, i haven’t been able to play my chinese songs in my cd no more.. because old already lah.. the cd..! all scratched up.. and stuff. Ya.. ya..i know can download..and then burn.. but we donch think it is right lor.. ! afterall .. gotta support the artists lifestyle right..?? for another mansion. So yes.. someone as per usual.. would come in and sell stuff like an ipod.. or a PSP for at prices .. you would be so tickled.. you can roll on the floor. But you know me lah.. already so good price.. being a chinese jew hor.. get it even at a more ridiculous price. So there.. i got myself.. my first ever gadget.. an ipod 2gb.. for a ridiculously low price.. ! muahahhahaha!! yes.. owners does get their perks..!