The Drive Of Life

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60 episodes..!! i finished the whole show yesterday nite..! told yer.. i love my chinese shows alot..! How I find time to do it..?? Well.. it has gotta be after the brat goes to bed.. and i’m having my supper.. ! Preferably .. after cooking tomorrow lunch for the brat. .and all dishes washed. So i watch the show.. and have supper .. followed by crunching ice.. 😉 once my ice is done.. then i’ll be done for the nite.. with shows.. so i get a good 1.5 a nite on it… sometimes more.. depending on what mood i am in for snacks.. 😉 I love the show.. a wee bit too long.. i’ll have to say.. but the ending.. was quite lame..! I know they collaborated with china for this movie. . and was a great effort. But some parts of the show.. you just wanna shout.. “Come On..!! move on.. will yer..!” Overall a good show.. i’ll have to say.. 🙂 good actor and actresses.. ! but Lau Chung Yan who plays the lead actor .. Wah Man Hon is kinda plasticky..! if you know what i mean.