We Are NOT a Charitable Organization..!!

Please shoot me..!! that’s what PB would MSN me.. when he is dealing with a “customer”.. who expects us to loan him/her money.. or who expects us to do a trade in of a one to one game .. without even batting an eyelid. Yes.. they told us a matter-of-factly.. that they wanted $40 for a used DS game.. and expects to be paid for it.. ??!!!??

Hello..!!! what about us..?? we run a business.. so that you can get all the money YOU want..?? we donch have to pay rent..?? we donch have to pay for heat and lights. Donch have to pay for employees..?? Donch have to pay for food..?? Donch have to pay for inventory..??

Folks cannot freaking understand.. that it is not that we donch have the money.. to loan them.. but we cannot be doing this for everyone.. and then go chasing after them for the money back..?? like we did for one “customer”. It’s horrid.. !!! these folks..!! we chinese say hor.. “bei ji tong” !!!